
Defense zone 2 HD v1.0.0 Full Data

Game Name : Defense zone 2 HD
Developer: ARTEM KOTOV
Current Version: 1.0.0
Update: September 28, 2012
Genre: Arcade & Action
Platform: Android 2.3 and up

Defense zone 2 HD
The new, engaging levels are even more stunning and impressive. New weapons have been added, along with new opponents, and even more action and tactics.

The game supports four languages: English, Russian, French and German.

The game settings are balanced to meet the goals of different players. If you want to test your skills and strategy, you can play the difficult level. If you are just playing for fun, then choose easy or medium level.

  1. Install APK File.
  2. Extract File Data RAR yang telah Sobat Download.
  3. Copy dan Paste Folder net.defensezone2 beserta isinya Ke sdcard/Android/obb.
  4. Mainkan Game Lewat Menu icon.
  5. Have Fun and Good Luck.

Apk Size: 6 MB | Data Size: 120 MB | Upload: Filiex


Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.


  1. There's only three levels available. Anyone knows how to get the full levels?

  2. nggak full masbroo cuma 3 level !
